
This is the Multimedia page where you can watch and listen to Michael Jackson video and music tracks in a choice of formats. Just choose your preference by clicking on either realplayer or mediaplayer next to the track. When choosing mediaplayer choose a lower number such as 28k if your connection is poor and higher for better etc. If you haven't got realplayer or windows media player then click the icons at the bottom of the page to download them. If you like the songs then support Michael and buy the original albums and videos.


You Rock My World RealPlayer Media Player 28k 100k

Cry RealPlayer

Butterflies RealPlayer Media Player 28k 100k

Michael Talks (Live AudioChat 2001) RealPlayer


Cry RealPlayer Media Player 56k 100k 300k

You Rock My World RealPlayer Media Player 56k 100k 300k

Scream RealPlayer Media Player 56k 100k 300k

Remember The Time RealPlayer Media Player 56k 100k 300k

Black Or White RealPlayer Media Player 56k 100k 300k

Smooth Criminal RealPlayer Media Player 56k 100k 300k

Dirty Diana RealPlayer Media Player 56k 100k 300k

Way You Make Me Feel RealPlayer Media Player 56k 100k 300k

Bad RealPlayer Media Player 56k 100k 300k

Thriller RealPlayer Media Player 56k 100k 300k

Beat It RealPlayer Media Player 56k 100k 300k

Billie Jean RealPlayer Media Player 56k 100k 300k

Rock With You RealPlayer Media Player 56k 100k 300k

Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough RealPlayer Media Player 56k 100k 300k

realplayer mediaplayer
