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Site information: Places to visit and why!

On the Fun page there are pictures of Michael Jackson as different characters. Everyone's favorite is the one of Michael as Superman. I think it's the thought of seeing him with his shirt partly ripped open and the Superman costume showing underneath! Ooooh!!! There are also 300+ original high quality pictures of Michael on this site

The Special FX page has java effects of Michael Jackson pictures. The one that amazes everyone is the super spinning MJ Cube.

The Lyrics page contains Michael Jackson's song lyrics shown in spectacular style. The favorite is "Heal the World" with the music blending well with the graphics and animations. Heal the World now!

Make a Greeting Card and send it to that special someone. There are lots of pictures and you can customise your own card and even add links and audio. A Michael Jackson e-card is always great to get.

Java Chat is the new way of talking and for making new friends on the internet. You can either stay in the Michael Jackson Chat or go into one of the many others. There are 200+ different chatrooms to choose from.

The Forum on this site is for Michael Jackson fans to keep up with the latest news and post info. There is always something new happening for Michael and this is the best way to stay in touch.

The Janet Jackson site connected to this is a tribute to the most talented and beautiful female singer in the world today. There are lots of high quality pictures, information and insights into this phenomenal woman and Michael's little sister.

This is just a small taste of this site so be sure to look everywhere. There are lots of suprises and insights into the man and the musical genius Michael Jackson!

Please note: Best viewed in 800 x 600 resolution with Internet Explorer 4 or later and with java enabled.

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