Windows XP Information
Shanghai Second Dynasty will work on Windows XP using the Program Compatibility Mode. To set the compatibility properties for the program manually:
Right-click the program icon on your desktop or the shortcut on the Start menu for the program you want to run, and then click Properties.
Click the Compatibility tab, and change the compatibility settings for the program. It is recommended that Shanghai Second Dynasty is Run in Windows 95 or 98 compatibility.
1.1 Patch
Size of File (In Megabytes): 6
You only need to download this patch if you have Shanghai Second Dynasty version 1.0, for Windows. The patch is available for the English-language, French-language, and German-language versions of Second Dynasty.
Download the file "sd2_win.exe"
Make a note of the download location on your hard drive so you can find the file after the download is finished.
Navigate to the download location on your hard drive and double-click the "Dynasty2Patch.exe" icon. Click on Yes to start the install process.
All Mah-Jongg games saved on previous versions will NOT be useable once the 1.1 patch has been installed. Saved games on previous versions will work for all Shanghai tile-matching game modes. If you have any saved mah-jongg games, delete them.
The patch will not work by itself; the patch must be installed over your game which is already installed from the Shanghai: Second Dynasty CD. You must still have the CD in the drive whenever you play.
Important: After the patch is installed, when you go to play online you will only "meet" other players who also have installed the patch.
Patch Workaround:
If you attempted to apply this patch and received an error message similar to "This patch does not apply to your localized version of Shanghai Second Dynasty...", please read the instructions below.
Before you can attempt the workaround you need to know the localization of your version of Shanghai: Second Dynasty and how to change the regional settings in Windows.
There are three different localizations for Shanghai Second Dynasty: English, French and German. You can use the Shanghai Second Dynasty Localization Indicator utility, "SD2Loc.exe" (below), to determine the localization of your version of Shanghai Second Dynasty. In order to use it, simply download it to your hard drive and double click it. Please note, that this utility will only work if Shanghai Second Dynasty is currently installed on your system.
You can view and modify your current regional setting under Windows 95, 98 and ME by pressing the Start Button, then selecting the menu items "Settings", then "Control Panel". This brings up a window with several control panel applets. Double-click on "Regional Settings". This brings up the Regional Settings Properties window. Your current regional setting appears in the drop-down list. Prior to changing the regional setting, please write down the initial selection. In order to change this setting, simply select a new one from the drop-down list, press 'OK' and reboot your system when prompted.
To attempt this workaround, please follow the instructions below:
Change your regional setting to match the localization of the installed game, then reboot your system.
Install the patch.
Revert to your previous regional setting, then reboot your system again.
Localization Utility
Size of File (In Megabytes): 1
The Shanghai Second Dynasty Localization Indicator utility, "SD2Loc.exe", should only be used in conjunction with the Shanghai: Second Dynasty 1.1 patch, provided you attempted to install the patch and received an error message similar to "This patch does not apply to your localized version of Shanghai Second Dynasty...". This utility is designed to help you apply the workaround mentioned above.
In order to use the Shanghai: Second Dynasty Localization Indicator utility, simply download it to your hard drive, double click it and follow the patch workaround on the Shanghai: Second Dynasty 1.1 Patch download page. Please note, that this utility will only work if Shanghai Second Dynasty is currently installed on your system.
Mac Information
If using Shanghai Second Dynasty on Mac OSX or higher then you can do so in the Classic environment. To use the Classic environment, you must have a Mac OS 9 System Folder installed on your computer, either on the same hard disk as Mac OS X, or on another disk or disk partition. For more information on the Classic Environment ~ Click here!