Instructions on enabling and using Compatibility Mode on Windows XP:

  1. Launch the Program Compatibility Wizard:
    1. Click on the Start button.
    2. Click on All Programs.
    3. Click on the Accessories folder.
    4. Click on the icon for Program Compatibility Wizard.
  2. Configure the Compatibility Wizard:
    1. Read the suggestion from Microsoft and click Next when finished.
    2. Select “I want to choose from a list of programs”, and click Next.
    3. From the list of programs, select the program you wish to enable compatibility mode on and click Next.
    4. Select the supported operating system for this program and press Next.
      • If you are unsure, select Windows 98 / Windows Me as it is the most commonly supported operating system.
  3. Configure display settings:
    1. Click on the box next to Disable visual themes, as often times this can conflict with older programs.
    2. Warning: Click on the box next to 256 colors or 640 x 480 screen resolution only if you are sure that the program requires these as special requirements.
    3. Click Next.
    4. Review the options you selected, and click Next to confirm and test these new settings with the program you selected.
  4. Click here for further information about the compatibility feature:

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